Strawberry Mousse, The Most Romantic Recipe

Strawberry recipe contest under way! California Strawberry Commission seeks “most romantic” concoction!



The title caught my eye and I started dreaming of strawberries in all sorts of forms. My interest really peaked when I read that the first place prize would be awarded a $1,000.00 Amazon gift card! Then I started dreaming of all the kitchen toys I could buy!

Well, damn procrastinator that I am, I missed the deadline!

Darn! The new Shun knife, food mill, bagel cutter, potato scrubbing gloves (I would use them if I won them!), and new blender that actually crushes ice would NOT be arriving at my doorstep anytime soon.

Even though I missed the contest deadline, I still made my “most romantic” concoction, Strawberry Mousse.

The recipe came from Feast on the Cheap, serving 16. Sixteen was more than I wanted, so I halved it! I also left out the preserves since I didn’t have any.

Save some of the strawberry puree and whipped cream before incorporating the two together for garnishing.



We had the most delicious desserts for several days while I tried to capture just the right picture. Here it’s served in a martini glass.


My hubby shared this mousse in a homemade chocolate cup with me.


I still had some leftover, so I turned my desk into a mini kitchen and filled these up for my co-workers.



These adorable mini ice cream cups were advertised to serve a shot of liquor in them.



These crisps look like chocolate covered potato chips. They’re perfect bite sized tastes.

The winner was announced on Valentine’s Day; Hearts AFire Lobster and Strawberry Parfaits. Lobster Parfaits?! oh, yes please!

You can check it out here on the California Strawberry blog

Next year I’ll be prepared and I’m winning 😉

Sandra The Foodie Affair Post Signature

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    1. The mix of chocolate and strawberry together is heavenly! I believe I got the mini cones from World Market. The crisps were from Trader Joe’s. I have bookmarked your shrimp in black bean sauce. That looks delicious!

    1. Thank you for swinging by Georgia! Your chocolate mousse looks decadent as well! I think we were on the same sweet quest for Valentine’s Day.

  1. How decadent! I can’t live without strawberries! They are the perfect fruit for any dessert! 🙂 Good job!!! And yes very romantic too!! Hope you had a great Valentine’s