Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
Vegan Worcestershire Sauce is economical and easy to make. No anchovies are in this recipe, which you won’t miss in your favorite recipes.
I’m super excited to have my daughter Ashley share a Vegan Worcestershire Sauce recipe on The Foodie Affair!
Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever happens to work with your current time!
If you have been following my mom’s blog for a while, you may know me from some pictures and stories; I’m Ashley, Sandra’s daughter.
My mom graciously invited me to guest blog, so you will be seeing me around here once in a while.
Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
Once upon a time, I had my own food blog, but found that my off-line life as a college student and part-time worker was a little bit too busy to keep up the posts.
Now that I’m out of college and into my career, I’m not going back to my own blog, but will instead be making the odd appearance around these lovely parts.
Since my mom is the resident expert and dedicated blogger of all things yummy, I will be dropping in with little food experiments that strike my fancy, rather than the more stolid backbone of meals and desserts that my mom does so well.
I am also a vegetarian, so my guest posts will be meat-free- so get ready for some meatless goodness.
This first homemade worcestershire sauce recipe might seem a little bit random, but trust me that there are only tasty things to come.
Worcestershire sauce without anchovies
I’m sure that some vegetarian readers may relate when I say that being a vegetarian requires a bit of a “c’est la vie” perspective.
When I go out to eat, I cannot always be sure that my veggie soup was not made with chicken stock.
Also, when I eat with extended family members who are die-hard meat-eaters, I sometimes have to pick pepperoni off of my pizza to create a vegetarian-friendly option.
Eating at local seafood joints, I sometimes have to scour the menu and get a bit creative to find something I can eat.
Sure, I could throw fits and become the high-maintenance stereotype, but I prefer to keep a sense of humor.
That being said, in my own home I make sure to have all the vegetarian options.
One thing that I have consistently left out of recipes, or replaced with an alternative, is Worcestershire Sauce. You’re welcome ‘chovies!
However, recently I became obsessed with a particular recipe that, by all accounts, really does need the Worcestershire.
I have heard of vegan/vegetarian options and thought for a quick second about checking Whole Foods, but then remembered the all-too-often plot line that occurs when I go there: walk in thinking that I’ll buy one quick thing, leave $90 poorer with fabulous items that I probably don’t need.
So, I decided to use the wonder that is the internet and find a homemade version.
Sure enough, I had to look no further than the queen of DIY herself, Martha Stewart.
I followed this recipe exactly and have found it a fab addition to sauces and anything else that needs a bit of the sweet, salty, umami flavor.
Sugar free option
Also, since my mom is low carb she likes to substitute the brown sugar with brown sugar made with monk fruit.
So if that is your preference too, then please switch up the sweetener.
Vegan Worcestershire Sauce
- 2 cups apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup soy sauce
- 1/4 cup light brown sugar or sugar free substitute for low carb followers
- 1 tsp ground ginger
- 1 tsp ground mustard
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 clove garlic crushed
- 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp black pepper
- Mix all ingredients in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Then, bring down to a simmer and let the mixture reduce by half, or for about 20 minutes. When reduced, strain the sauce and let cool before using.
Please note that the nutritional information provided are guidelines and may vary based on the brand of products used. For your specific nutritional goals use My Fitness Pal or Verywell Fit recipe calculators. All content within this site is not intended as medical diagnosis or treatment and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise.
By the way, if you always mush together the word “Worcestershire” and drop your voice an octave in order to not reveal that you don’t know how to pronounce it, check out this cute, informative video: How to pronounce Worcestershire!
Until next time,
It’s so nice to meet you, Ashley! Great recipe, I can’t wait to try it out!
nice to meet you Ashley! I was brought up with a vegetarian mom so I’ll be looking very forward to your posts! I am no longer vegetarian, more flexitarian 🙂 However, for the most part, I prefer meatless!
Nice guest post, Ashley! 🙂
Hi Ashley! How wonderful that you are contributing to your mom’s blog. I know she is thrilled to have you and so are we, the readers! Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe, Worcestershire sauce has so many great uses it is handy to keep around at all time!
Great to meet you Ashley. Looking forward to lots more of your own veggie/vegan recipes.
Great post Ashley! Who knew Worcestershire sauce could be vegan!?
Your daughter is adorable and funny! Love this recipe idea! Thank you!
Thanks, Brandi and thank you for sharing this on Facebook 🙂
Hi Ashley & Sandra, It’s a pleasure to meet you Ashley, and I can see why you are beaming Sandra. I love this recipe. I’m not a vegetarian but I often choose meatless meals for myself. I will definitely make the vegan Worcestershire Sauce recipe. I look forward to reading your future posts.
I’ve pinned and shared,
Joanne/WineLady Cooks
Thank you, Joanne! Sure appreciate the shares 🙂
I’ve never made my own worcetershire sauce but I love yours! Thanks for the excellent post; very nicely done!
Thank you Donald, I am glad to hear that you like it!
Welcome to the blog Ashley. I don’t comment very often, but just had to let you know I enjoyed your entry. Your mother and you have a very engaging style of writing and I like how both of you include your personal comments, family stories, and observances along with the recipes.
Great! Thanks for sharing 😉
Thanks for stopping by, Raquel!!